Les Bords De La Loire (1910)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Capturing the serene beauty of the Loire River, Maxime Maufra’s "Les Bords De La Loire" is a testament to the painter’s fascination with the landscapes of western France. Created in 1910, this stunning painting reveals Maufra’s Post-Impressionist style, characterized by vibrant colors and expressive brushwork that bring the scenic view to life.In this artwork, a solitary sailboat with a large, tilting sail gracefully navigates the gentle waters of the Loire. A lone figure, possibly the boatman, can be seen attentively managing the craft. The boat is depicted in subtle, earthen tones that harmoniously blend with the tranquil waters, reflecting the soft golden glow of the sky at what appears to be either dawn or dusk.The background features a luscious row of trees on the riverbank, their foliage painted in shades of orange, yellow, and green, suggesting the season could be early autumn. These trees stand tall, their reflections shimmering in the calm water, adding depth and tranquility to the scene. In the distance, the faint outline of a hill or castle adds a hint of mystery and romance to the landscape, inviting viewers to ponder the history and charm of this picturesque region."Les Bords De La Loire" not only showcases Maufra’s skill in capturing natural beauty but also evokes a sense of peaceful solitude and the enduring allure of the Loire River’s landscapes.


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Maxime Maufra, was a French landscape and marine painter, etcher and lithographer.

Maufra first began painting at 18. He was encouraged to do so by two artists from Nantes such as the brothers Charles Leduc and Alfred Leduc and the landscape painter Charles Le Roux.