Forty-second Street NY (1923)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Welcome to our exploration of the evocative "Forty-second Street NY" by the distinguished artist William Walcot. Crafted in 1923, this etching captures the bustling essence and architectural grandeur of New York City in the early 20th century.The composition of this piece reflects a lively vista of 42nd Street, one of the city's most vibrant thoroughfares. Amidst a backdrop of towering skyscrapers and monumental buildings, the scene is teeming with the dynamic rhythm of urban life. Antique automobiles mingle with trolleys, hinting at the era's technological transitions. Pedestrians of various walks of life fill the sidewalks, each figure rendered with swift, confident strokes that evoke movement and brief encounters.Dominating the scene is a striking view of the Times Square area, then as now, a hub of activity and an emblem of the city. Prominently displayed advertisements on buildings, such as for "Sir Harry Lauder," highlight the commercial vibrancy that defines Times Square. The sense of depth and perspective is masterfully achieved through meticulous etching, showcasing Walcot's architectural background and his keen eye for detail.Walcot's treatment of light and shadow, along with the intricate details of the urban landscape, offers a window into a historic period of New York City, captured with a palpable sense of immediacy. This artwork not only provides a visual narrative of the city's architectural evolution but also reflects the perpetual motion and the stirring energy of urban life in New York during the Roaring Twenties.


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William Walcot RE was a Scottish architect, graphic artist and etcher, notable as a practitioner of refined Art Nouveau (Style Moderne) in Moscow, Russia (as Вильям Францевич Валькот). His trademark Lady's Head keystone ornament became the easily recognisable symbol of Russian Style Moderne. In 1920s–1930s, he concentrated on graphic art and was praised as "the best architectural draftsman" in London.