Vigen ved En Vaux, Cassis (1911)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"Vigen ved En Vaux, Cassis" (1911) is a captivating watercolor by French artist Emile Othon Friesz that captures the dynamic and colorful essence of the Fauvist movement. This painting features the rugged terrain and serene beauty of the coastal landscape near Cassis, a village in southern France famous for its cliffs and sheltered inlets.Friesz, with his bold approach to colors and brisk brushstrokes, portrays a vivid panorama where the calanques (steep-walled coves) and Mediterranean Sea meet. The image is divided by the towering and textured limestone cliffs which stand majestically on either side, guiding the viewer's eyes towards the horizon where the calm sea stretches under a wide sky. The sky itself is a spectacle of golden and purplish hues, dotted with swirling clouds that reflect the setting or rising sun.In the fore and middle ground, sporadic vegetation dots the landscape, adding greens and darks to the pale, earthy tones of the rocks and sandy shore. The small figure of a person, possibly a fisherman, seated on the rocks by the water introduces a human element, suggesting the interplay between human life and the natural world.Overall, Friesz's painting not only illustrates the unique geographic features of Cassis but also encapsulates the spirit of Fauvism with its emphasis on painterly qualities, deep color juxtapositions, and the overall emotional effect rather than strict representational accuracy.


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Achille-Émile Othon Friesz (6 February 1879 – 10 January 1949), who later called himself Othon Friesz, a native of Le Havre, was a French artist of the Fauvist movement.