
Technique: Giclée quality print
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This image titled "Snowflake" by Wilson Bentley features a close-up photograph of a snowflake. The snowflake is captured with high detail, showing its unique and intricate hexagonal structure. Each branch of the snowflake is symmetrically aligned with the others, highlighting the natural pattern and delicate formations that make snowflakes famed for their beauty and individuality. The black background serves to enhance the white and crystalline structures, making them even more pronounced. Bentley's work is historically significant as he was one of the first to photograph snowflakes, showcasing their singular designs, and contributing to the understanding that no two snowflakes are alike. His meticulous technique allowed for this in-depth examination of snow and ice crystals, providing a bridge between art and science.


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Dubbed as “Snowflake”, Wilson Alwyn Bentley (1865-1931) was a pioneer in snowflake photomicrography. As a child he was fascinated by the natural world, and by the age of 19 he became the first to successfully capture a snowflake photograph with the help of a feather, a microscope and a camera. Bentley photographed thousands of individual snow crystals during his career, some of which we are showcasing in this collection.