Eisschollen Am Ufer Der Thaya (1891)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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The painting "Eisschollen Am Ufer Der Thaya" crafted by Theodor Von Hörmann in 1891, captures a compelling winter landscape that beautifully intertwines the rugged tranquility of nature with subtle human presence. This oil on canvas artwork masterfully depicts a chilly scene along the banks of the Thaya River where vast chunks of ice, scattered haphazardly, dominate the foreground.The ice floes, rendered in hues of white and soft grey, command the viewer's attention while silently narrating the harshness of winter. The earthy undertones and the barren trees that line the pathway suggest the dormant life waiting beneath, providing a stark contrast to the solid, cold boulders of ice. The attention to detail in portraying the texture of the ice and the patches of grass peeking through snow showcases Hörmann’s ability to bring out the tactile essence of the scene.In the background, the viewer's eye is led to a serene river curving gently through a village. Subtle architectural forms and distant figures suggest the adaptation of life alongside the river, with homes nestled close to its protective embrace, hinting at the resilience and routine of rural existence.The gloom of the overcast sky and the subdued color palette evoke a sense of solitude and the quietude of winter, inviting viewers to reflect on the stillness and the beauty of slowed life.


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Theodor Hörmann von Hörbach was an Austrian landscape painter.

He began his career in the Austrian Army and served during the Second Italian War of Independence (known as the Sardinian War in Austria), followed by service in the Austro-Prussian War. He reached the rank of Oberleutnant.