Auf Der Ligethi Puszta (1884)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"Auf Der Ligethi Puszta" is a charming and evocative oil painting by Theodor Von Hörmann, completed in 1884. This work delicately captures a peaceful, pastoral scene on the Hungarian plain known as Puszta. In the foreground, a woman is seen in traditional dress, engaging thoughtfully with her surroundings. Nearby, another figure can be observed handling a fishing pole by a small stream, which adds a vivid focal point amidst the pastoral calm.The setting is lush and detailed, featuring an array of trees that tower into the sky with a depth of texture that showcases Hörmann’s expertise in landscape painting. The composition's naturalistic colors and the soft play of light suggest the time of day to be late afternoon, where shadows begin to elongate and the sunlight softens."Auf Der Ligethi Puszta" not only reflects Hörmann’s technical prowess but also evokes a quiet nostalgia for the rural landscapes of 19th-century Hungary, inviting viewers to appreciate the simple beauty and tranquility of nature.


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Theodor Hörmann von Hörbach was an Austrian landscape painter.

He began his career in the Austrian Army and served during the Second Italian War of Independence (known as the Sardinian War in Austria), followed by service in the Austro-Prussian War. He reached the rank of Oberleutnant.

Giclée quality print

60x60 cm
