Rest (1905)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Experience a serene snapshot of pastoral life in Nils Kreuger's painting "Rest" from 1905. This captivating artwork brings to life an idyllic landscape scene characterized by its tranquil ambiance and rich, textural details.At the upper part of the canvas, a vast twilight sky, adorned with soft, swirling cloud patterns and a gentle moon, stretches out to mingle with the distant horizon. Below, the middle section unveils a rustic stone wall and a large, meticulously crafted hayrick that sits adjacent to a modest farm building—symbols of the agricultural lifestyle.The foreground of the painting is dominated by a lush green field, peppered with yellow and white wildflowers. The vibrant, intense greens meld with dashes of color, hinting at the diversity of nature's palette. Kreuger's adept use of pointillist techniques enhances the texture, adding vitality and a sense of motion to the scene."Rest" is more than just a depiction of a tranquil rural setting; it's an invitation to pause and revel in the peacefulness of nature.


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Nils Edvard Kreuger was a Swedish painter. He specialized in landscapes and rural scenes.

His father, Johan August (1821–1887), operated a lumber and wood products business. In 1874, he began his studies at the Royal Swedish Academy of Fine Arts, but was forced to discontinue them due to illness.