Portrait of the Painter Wilhelm Wetlesen (1907)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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This evocative painting, "Portrait of the Painter Wilhelm Wetlesen," rendered by the Norwegian artist Thorvald Erichsen in 1907, captures the introspective ambiance of an artist at work. The portrait exhibits Wilhelm Wetlesen seated at a round, warmly lit table, deeply engrossed in his craft. The soft focus and rich, earthy tones suffused throughout reflect a moment steeped in concentration and artistic dedication.Erichsen's use of reddish-orange and amber hues envelops the scene in a comforting glow that contrasts with the striking, almost solemn expression on Wetlesen's face. This choice of color palette lends a certain emotional intensity to the portrait, highlighting the somber yet passionate engagement of the subject with his work.Small, seemingly scattered objects can be discerned on the table, possibly tools of Wetlesen's trade, suggesting an impromptu or candid moment captured by Erichsen. The background, composed of darker, muddled shades, pushes the viewer's focus towards the central figure and the luminous tabletop, making the surroundings subtly supportive of the central theme of artistic creation.


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Thorvald Erichsen was a Norwegian Post-Impressionist painter; primarily known for landscapes and still lifes.

Thorvald Erichsen was born in Trondheim, Norway. He was the son of Ernst Erichsen (1820-1869) and Trine Jensine Rian (1829-1884). Erichsen's father was a confectioner and died when Erichsen was very young.

Although at first he wanted to be a pianist, in 1886 he began studying law, then dropped out and attended a painting school run by Knud Bergslien, where he completed a course in arts and crafts. He later moved to Copenhagen, where he became a student of Christian Zahrtmann, who had a greater influence on his artistic development.