Die Steinigung des heiligen Stephanus (1782-1783)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"Die Steinigung des heiligen Stephanus" (The Stoning of Saint Stephen) by Franz Anton Maulbertsch, painted between 1782 and 1783, represents a dramatic and poignant moment in Christian history—the martyrdom of Saint Stephen, Christianity's first martyr. This artwork depicts the intense and turbulent scene of Saint Stephen's execution by stoning for his preaching and steadfast faith.Franz Anton Maulbertsch, known for his dynamic and expressive style in the late Baroque period, utilizes swirling brushstrokes and vivid contrasts of light and dark to capture the chaos and emotional intensity of the moment. The central figure of Saint Stephen is rendered with a striking use of color; his white and pale blue robes make him a luminous focal point amidst the tumultuous crowd of darker, more muted tones. His upward gaze, possibly towards a divine light, suggests his imminent transcendence and steadfast faith even in the face of death.The painting's composition, with figures almost entangled in their violent fervor, adds to the overall feeling of motion and upheaval. Maulbertsch's masterful handling of light not only highlights the drama but also elevates the spiritual dimension of the scene, reflecting the heavenly salvation awaiting Stephen beyond his earthly torment.


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Franz Anton Maulbertsch (June 7 , 1724 - August 8 , 1796 ) was, alongside Martin Johann Schmidt , the most outstanding painter of the Austrian late Baroque . His expressive art initially broke with tradition, ultimately culminating in classicism and completing Austrian Baroque painting in an idiosyncratic and independent way.