A Fantastic Tiered Structure (1911–24)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"A Fantastic Tiered Structure," crafted by the unique and visionary artist Herbert Crowley between 1911 and 1924, stands as a mesmerizing example of intricate design and fantastical architecture. The artwork invites viewers into a surreal landscape dominated by a highly detailed, ornate tower nestled amidst lush, patterned foliage.Centered in the composition is the titular structure, which rises majestically, tier upon tier. Each level is adorned with an elaborate blend of botanical motifs and symmetrical patterns, creating an almost textile-like texture. The tower itself seems both ancient and otherworldly, suggesting a place of significance and mystery, perhaps a temple or palace from a forgotten fantasy realm.At the base of this grand edifice, a series of steps lead up to a formidable arched doorway, promising entrance to the unseen wonders within. The surrounding flora is just as elaborate as the building it enfolds, with leaves and flowers rendered in exquisite detail, almost inviting a touch.The background, subtly lighter yet filled with hints of floral designs, adds depth and context to the scene, suggesting a world that is richly alive and continuously expanding beyond the borders of the image.Herbert Crowley's "A Fantastic Tiered Structure" not only showcases his exceptional skill and attention to detail but also encapsulates his ability to fuse the real with the imagined.


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Herbert E. Crowley (1873–1937) was a British artist, set designer, and comic strip cartoonist. He is the author of The Wigglemuch, a symbolic comic strip published by the New York Herald. It ran for a total of 13 installments from March to June 1910. His work was exhibited in the 1913 Armory Show.