Rural Landscape (1911–24)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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This evocative piece, titled "Rural Landscape," by Herbert Crowley is a serene and contemplative representation of rural simplicity. Crowley's delicate and skilled use of shading and texture brings this scene to life, showcasing a small, solitary farmhouse nestled amidst a grove of windswept trees. The trees, with their swirling branches and leaves, seem to dance around the composition, wrapping the house in a natural embrace that evokes a sense of shelter and isolation.The use of light and shadow in this pencil drawing emphasizes the quiet atmosphere of the rural setting. The light seems to gently illuminate the house, making it the focal point amidst the encroaching shadows of the towering trees. This artwork conveys a timeless beauty and tranquility, inviting the viewer to step into a world where nature and human habitation exist in harmonious solitude.


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Herbert E. Crowley (1873–1937) was a British artist, set designer, and comic strip cartoonist. He is the author of The Wigglemuch, a symbolic comic strip published by the New York Herald. It ran for a total of 13 installments from March to June 1910. His work was exhibited in the 1913 Armory Show.

Giclée quality print

59x80 cm
