Selfportrait (1919)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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This intriguing work of art is a self-portrait by the influential Belgian expressionist painter Frits van den Berghe, created in 1919. In this painting, van den Berghe explores his own persona through a bold and introspective representation. The artist employs a moody palette dominated by somber tones of brown, gray, and black, accented with subtle hints of blue.The composition of the painting draws attention to the artist's face, which is characterized by a deep, introspective gaze. The face is depicted in a slightly abstract form, with one evident eye that seems to peer deeply out at the viewer, possibly reflecting the artist’s inner emotions and thoughts. The rough texture and vigorous brushstrokes emphasize the turmoil and intensity of the post-war period, which had a profound impact on artists of this era.Van den Berghe's self-portrait isn't just a display of his physical appearance, but a poignant exploration of his psyche. His choice of dark colors and the rough, almost aggressive application of paint may indeed reflect his feelings and state of mind during a turbulent time in history.


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Frits Van den Berghe (3 April 1883 – 23 September 1939) was a Belgian expressionist and surrealist painter and illustrator.