Lakai (1912)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Delve into the enchanting world of Ernst Stern's 1912 artwork "Lakai", a captivating example of his unique style and thematic exploration. This painting showcases two figures dressed in richly detailed and colorful costumes that reflect stern's keen interest in fashion and theatrical design.The characters are portrayed in a dynamic interaction, one facing the viewer, with an expressive facial expression and holding what appears to be a porcelain teapot and cup, suggesting a moment of serving or hospitality. The other figure is turned, displaying the elaborate back details of the attire, emphasizing the intricate design and craftsmanship typical of period costumes.The costumes themselves are a feast for the eyes, adorned with stripes and layers, punctuated with bows and fringes, rendering a textural depth that is both visually striking and historically intriguing. The use of a limited color palette focuses attention on the form and pattern, enhancing the overall aesthetic of the piece."Lakai" not only highlights Ernst Stern’s talent in depicting historical attire but also his ability to infuse everyday activities with a sense of elegance and ceremony.


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Ernst Stern (1 April 1876 – 28 August 1954) was a Romanian-German scenic designer who, through his collaborations with most of the prominent German directors of the early 20th century, helped define the aesthetic of expressionism in both the theatre and the cinema.