St Martin and the beggar

Technique: Giclée quality print
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This compelling piece of artwork, "St Martin and the Beggar," was created by Dutch artist Johannes Josephus Aarts. The scene vividly portrays the well-known legend of Saint Martin of Tours, a Roman soldier known for his compassion and generosity. In the artwork, Saint Martin is depicted on his horse, caught in a moment of charitable act as he uses his sword to cut his own cloak in half to share with a beggar.The beggar, who appears on the right side of the painting, is portrayed as an elderly man with a beard, looking up towards Martin with a mixture of hope and gratitude. Wearing only minimal clothing, his vulnerability is palpable, juxtaposed against the strength and regal demeanor of Saint Martin, who, despite being on horseback, leans down with empathetic grace.Johannes Josephus Aarts uses a dynamic and expressive line technique that adds a dramatic intensity to the scene, emphasizing the sweeping movement of Martin’s cloak and the muscular build of his horse. The setting, hinted by sparse trees and a sketchy background, focuses the viewer's attention squarely on the interaction between the two principal figures.This image not only captures a moment of kindness but also serves as a profound reminder of the human duties of care and compassion that transcend societal and historical boundaries.


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Johannes Josephus Aarts was a Dutch painter, illustrator, lithographer, engraver, etcher, writer, academic teacher and director, lecturer, sculptor and book-cover designer.

Jan Aarts received training in the Royal Academy of Art, The Hague. He was active there until 1911, and in Amsterdam from 1911 to 1934. Initially, until around 1900, Aarts worked above all on engravings. Thereafter he began to also use other graphic methods. In his work, one found depictions of farmworkers, dyke workers and later also tramps, beggars and invalids. Between 1920 and 1930 he produced mostly visionary work with apocalyptic scenes.