Vintage palm tree illustration 14

Technique: Giclée quality print
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The painting depicts a vibrant and detailed image of a palm tree characterized by multiple trunks that combine near the base. The trunks are slender and slightly tapering, showcasing a smooth texture and a blend of cream and brown colors. From these trunks sprout several groups of lush, green leaves, each leaf exhibiting lobed edges with deep separations, giving them a feathery appearance. The leaves are arranged in a tiered fashion, adding to the plant’s fullness and height. The background of the painting is plain and off-white, highlighting the bright green and subtle brown colors of the palm, and giving prominence to the intricate details of the leaves and trunks.


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Botanical artist, painter, and lithographer from Belgium (1832 - 1904). 

Giclée quality print

59x80 cm
