The Garden of Paradise Pl 4 (1911)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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The Garden of Paradise, Plate 4, by Edmund Dulac, is a captivating work of art brimming with fantasy and delicate symbolism. In this painting, we witness a serene moment within an enchanting garden. A majestic tree, laden with ripe, golden oranges, dominates the scene, serving also as a canopy under which the subjects of the painting interact.The focal point of the composition is a graceful female figure dressed in a flowing, diaphanous gown that cascades around her like a cascade of pinkish-white petals. She appears elevated, almost floating, as she delicately reaches out to the fruit of the tree. Her golden hair and soft expression give her an ethereal quality, enhancing the painting's dreamlike atmosphere.Below her, another figure, dressed in rich, dark tones with intricate detailing, kneels on the ground. This figure seems to be in a state of reverent awe or gentle contemplation, gazing upward at the serene spectacle above. The contrast between the lavish dark attire and the radiant, light dress of the standing figure accentuates the mystical and otherworldly feeling of the scene.Dulac's use of intricate linework and soft, muted color palette evokes a sense of tranquility and divine beauty. The setting is filled with whimsical details such as scattered flowers and fallen fruits, which contribute to the lushness of this imagined paradise.


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Edmund Dulac (born Edmond Dulac; 22 October 1882 – 25 May 1953) was a French-British naturalised magazine illustrator, book illustrator and stamp designer. Born in Toulouse he studied law but later turned to the study of art at the École des Beaux-Arts. He moved to London early in the 20th century and in 1905 received his first commission to illustrate the novels of the Brontë Sisters. During World War I, Dulac produced relief books and when after the war the deluxe children's book market shrank he turned to magazine illustrations among other ventures. He designed banknotes during World War II and postage stamps, most notably those that heralded the beginning of Queen Elizabeth II's reign.