Andächtige bei einer Heilquelle (Landschaft mit Brunnen) (ca. 1850)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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In the tranquil depths of Thomas Ender's painting "Andächtige bei einer Heilquelle (Landscape with Fountain)," viewers are offered a glimpse into a serene and pious scene set against a backdrop of lush, idyllic nature. Painted around 1850, this artwork beautifully captures a moment of quiet reverence and communal spirituality.The painting portrays a small group of individuals gathered around a sacred spring nestled within a sunlit clearing. The spring, possibly revered for its healing properties, is built into a rugged rock face enriched with religious iconography, emphasizing its spiritual significance. A woman, seen in traditional attire, fills her jug with water, suggesting the spring's role as a source of physical and perhaps divine nourishment. Beside her, two others engage in quiet conversation, adding a human touch to the divine landscape.To the right, a venerable figure clad in a dark robe stands thoughtfully, perhaps in contemplation or prayer, gazing towards the spring. This character adds a profound sense of solemnity and depth to the scene, inviting onlookers to reflect on their own moments of peace and faith.Ender's masterful use of light and shadow, combined with his detailed depiction of the natural and human elements, creates a harmonious balance between the divine and the earthly. The distant mountains and lush forestry frame the scene, suggesting that this holy place is but a small haven within a vast, majestic world.


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Thomas Ender was an Austrian landscape painter and watercolorist.

He was born to Johann Ender, a junk dealer, and was the twin brother of Johann Nepomuk Ender, a history painter. He and his brother were both enrolled at the Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna, where he began by studying history painting with Hubert Maurer, but switched to landscape painting with Laurenz Janscha then, after Janscha's death in 1812, with Joseph Mössmer. He was awarded the Academy's first prize for landscape drawing.