Gebirgsschlucht mit tosendem Wasserfall (Ca. 1880)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Edward Theodore Compton's painting titled "Gebirgsschlucht mit tosendem Wasserfall" (Mountain Gorge with Roaring Waterfall), created around 1880, is a stirring depiction of nature's wild beauty and majestic strength. The painting showcases a rugged mountain gorge through which a tumultuous waterfall cascades powerfully. The artist's use of fine brushwork to capture the water’s frothy texture and luminous quality is remarkable, conveying both the sound and movement of rushing water.The verdant, almost lush vegetation framing the rocky terrain speaks to the resilience of life in harsh environments, emphasizing the breathtaking interplay between rock and water. The diffused light filtering through the clouds suggest a dynamic atmosphere, possibly foretelling changeable mountain weather, adding a layer of drama to the vivid landscape.Compton, known for his detailed and realistic landscapes, presents in this work a sublime representation of nature that goes beyond mere visual accuracy, reaching into the realm of emotional and sensory experience.


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Edward Theodore Compton, usually referred to as E. T. Compton, (29 July 1849 – 22 March 1921) was an English-born, German artist, illustrator and mountain climber. He is well known for his paintings and drawings of alpine scenery, and as a mountaineer made 300 major ascents including no fewer than 27 first ascents.