Odysseus and Calypso (1872)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Explore the maelstrom of emotion and myth in Frank Buchser’s vivid painting, "Odysseus and Calypso." Crafted in 1872, the artwork captures a dramatic episode from Greek mythology where Odysseus, the story’s weary hero, longs to return home. Contrasting desires collide in this emotionally charged scene set on the idyllic yet confining island where the nymph Calypso has detained Odysseus for several years, offering him immortality if he stays with her.The painting pulls viewers into this tempestuous moment with a visceral intensity highlighted by Buchser’s dynamic use of color and form. Odysseus, rendered with powerful strokes, gestures energetically towards the sea, symbolizing his restless spirit and yearning for his homeland of Ithaca. His tormented posture and the sorrowful entreaty in his eye reveal the depth of his inner conflict.Elegantly juxtaposed, Calypso is depicted with a calm yet palpable desperation, as she clutches at Odysseus, reluctant to let him go. Her affection and sorrow are palpable as she reaches out towards him, her form expressing both grace and a poignant resignation to her fate.Adding layers to the narrative, a cherub and a stone bust of a woman are visible in the periphery, enhancing the themes of love and loss that pervade the painting. The cherub, often a symbol of love and joy, appears hesitant, reflecting the complex interplay of emotions at work.


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Frank (originally FranzBuchser (1828–1890) was a Swiss painter. He is noted for his portraits of notable American figures of the post civil war period and for his works with Oriental themes.