Luman Reed (1835)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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** Asher Brown Durand's 1835 portrait of Luman Reed captures the spirit of an American entrepreneur during a burgeoning era of commerce and cultural patronage. In this engaging artwork, Reed is depicted with a confident, forthright gaze, suggesting his determined and intelligent character. His attire, consisting of a dark tailored coat with a crisp white shirt and a high black cravat, epitomizes the 19th-century gentleman’s formal dress, projecting an image of refined elegance.The painting's restrained color palette and softened lighting focus attention on Reed’s facial expression and the subtle details of his clothing, highlighting Durand’s meticulous approach to portraiture. The warm, neutral background ensures that Reed stands prominently, emphasizing his significance as both a subject and as a figure in the New York mercantile and arts scenes.Luman Reed, known for his patronage in the arts, significantly contributed to the culture of his time by supporting artists like Durand. This painting not only memorializes a prominent figure but also stands as a testament to the historical link between commerce and the growth of the arts in America.On display, this work offers viewers a glimpse into the past, portraying the dignified presence of a man who played a pivotal role in shaping the artistic landscape of his day.


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Asher Brown Durand (August 21, 1796 – September 17, 1886) was an American painter of the Hudson River School.