Portrait Of A Girl (1901)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"Portrait of a Girl" (1901) by James Jebusa Shannon is an exquisite painting that masterfully captures the innocence and elegance of youth. This artwork showcases a young girl, dressed in a flowing white dress that radiates with a soft, romantic charm. Her outfit is completed by a stylishly wide-brimmed hat adorned with flowers, complementing the floral backdrop that gently enfolds her. The girl's expression is thoughtful and slightly wistful, suggesting a moment of daydreaming or contemplation.Accompanying the girl is a slender black and white dog, claiming its place by her side with an air of loyalty and protection. The dog looks up towards her, indicating a bond of companionship between them. This interaction not only adds a dimension of tenderness to the scene but also emphasizes the theme of friendship and trust.Set against a lush garden overflowing with vibrant roses, the background of the painting blurs into a haze of greens and pinks, creating a dreamlike atmosphere that enhances the focal subject. Shannon's brushwork brings out the textures of the girl’s dress and the intricate lace, imbuing the scene with a palpable sense of realism intertwined with a touch of enchantment.


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Sir James Jebusa Shannon was an Anglo-American artist.

Shannon was born in Auburn, New York, and at the age of eight was taken by his parents to Canada. When he was sixteen, he went to England, where he studied at South Kensington, and after three years won the gold medal for figure painting.