The Green Apple

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"The Green Apple," a captivating painting by artist James Jebusa Shannon, presents a compelling tableau filled with mood and narrative. In this striking piece, two figures are depicted amidst a richly textured backdrop of drapes that cascade in shades of deep red and earthy browns. The setting exudes a sense of secluded intimacy.On the left, a figure sits with their back turned slightly away from the viewer, occupying themselves with what appears to be a piece of fabric, perhaps mending or examining it with thoughtful attention. Their pose and the draping of light cloth over their lap add to the palpable sense of quietude that pervades the scene.On the right, the other figure engages directly with us through a candid action of biting into a green apple, which lends the painting its title. This figure's relaxed posture and the contemplative enjoyment of a simple fruit create a vivid contrast to the more absorbed demeanor of their companion.Through "The Green Apple," Shannon not only explores the timeless theme of daily life and leisure but also captures the ephemeral beauty of ordinary moments.


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Sir James Jebusa Shannon was an Anglo-American artist.

Shannon was born in Auburn, New York, and at the age of eight was taken by his parents to Canada. When he was sixteen, he went to England, where he studied at South Kensington, and after three years won the gold medal for figure painting.