Study for Breton Women at a Pardon (c. 1887)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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We are delighted to feature a captivating artwork titled "Study for Breton Women at a Pardon," painted around 1887 by the esteemed French artist Pascal-Adolphe-Jean Dagnan-Bouveret. This painting gracefully portrays the unique cultural spirit of a "Pardon," which is a traditional Breton festival that combines religious devotion with community celebration.In Dagnan-Bouveret's masterful composition, we observe a group of Breton women dressed in traditional attire. Each woman is adorned with a stark white coif, which dramatically contrasts with their dark, somber dresses, typifying the regional costume. The women are depicted in a relaxed, yet engaged posture, creating a vivid tableau of social interaction and camaraderie.In the background, a subtle and soft impression of a crowd hints at the larger gathering, typical of a Pardon. A distinctive, ornate spire stands in the misty distance, possibly part of a chapel, further setting the religious context of the occasion. The presence of men standing nearby in traditional dark suits and hats adds to the authenticity and detail of the scene, suggesting a conversation or a watchful guardianship over the festivities.Dagnan-Bouveret is renowned for his attention to detail and his ability to capture the essence of folk traditions with sensitivity and realism. This painting not only offers a glimpse into the cultural heritage of Brittany but also showcases the artist's skill in using light and texture to evoke a sense of time and place.We invite you to immerse yourself in this exquisite depiction of Breton culture, where every brushstroke and color hue brings to life the traditions and communal spirit of the people of Brittany.


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Pascal-Adolphe-Jean Dagnan-Bouveret, was one of the leading French artists of the naturalist school.

He was born in Paris, the son of a tailor, and was raised by his grandfather after his father emigrated to Brazil. Later he added his grandfather's name, Bouveret, to his own.