Young Woman in a Garden of Oranges (1891)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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This exquisite painting, "Young Woman in a Garden of Oranges," was created by the French artist Pascal-Adolphe-Jean Dagnan-Bouveret in 1891. The artwork showcases Dagnan-Bouveret's mastery of naturalistic detail and his profound sensitivity toward the depiction of tranquil, introspective moments.The composition captures a young woman, in profile, standing amidst a lush garden. Her presence radiates a gentle solemnity, and her gaze seems to be lost in thought, directed toward the distant horizon. Clad in a traditional long dress with a dark bodice and a flowing grey skirt, she also wears a striking white shawl that rests softly on her shoulders, complementing the peaceful scene.The woman is holding a basket filled with bright oranges, adding a vivid splash of color that contrasts beautifully with the greens and browns of the garden surroundings. The leaves and branches of the garden are rendered with careful attention to texture and light, enhancing the realism of the scene.In the background, the shimmering hint of a sea and the subtle tones of the sky suggest a late afternoon, imbuing the scene with a serene, melancholic quality.


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Pascal-Adolphe-Jean Dagnan-Bouveret, was one of the leading French artists of the naturalist school.

He was born in Paris, the son of a tailor, and was raised by his grandfather after his father emigrated to Brazil. Later he added his grandfather's name, Bouveret, to his own.