Sindbad the Sailor entertains Sindbad the Landsman (1914)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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This enchanting painting, titled "Sindbad the Sailor entertains Sindbad the Landsman," was masterfully created by Edmund Dulac in 1914. The scene captures a moment from the ancient tales of "The Arabian Nights," where the adventurous Sindbad the Sailor recounts his extraordinary voyages to an intrigued crowd, including his counterpart, Sindbad the Landsman.In Dulac's depiction, a serene, elegant gathering is portrayed inside a spacious, beautifully architected room that opens to a scenic landscape. The central figure, Sindbad the Sailor, is seated on an ornate chair under a magnificent arched window that frames a mythical tree against a starry sky, symbolizing perhaps the wondrous realms he has explored. His audience includes musicians and listeners, who are rendered in varied, detailed attire, suggesting the cultural richness and diversity of the story's setting. The floor is adorned with exquisite tiles and rich carpets, complementing the sumptuously laid out fruits and the finely-crafted vessels, hinting at the prosperity and the refined aesthetic of the gathering.Edmund Dulac's choice of a soft, pastel color palette and intricate details not only enhances the dreamlike quality of the scene but also invites the viewer to linger, perhaps imagining themselves hearing the mesmerizing tales of Sindbad's adventures.


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Edmund Dulac (born Edmond Dulac; 22 October 1882 – 25 May 1953) was a French-British naturalised magazine illustrator, book illustrator and stamp designer. Born in Toulouse he studied law but later turned to the study of art at the École des Beaux-Arts. He moved to London early in the 20th century and in 1905 received his first commission to illustrate the novels of the Brontë Sisters. During World War I, Dulac produced relief books and when after the war the deluxe children's book market shrank he turned to magazine illustrations among other ventures. He designed banknotes during World War II and postage stamps, most notably those that heralded the beginning of Queen Elizabeth II's reign.