A Favourite Custom (1909)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"A Favourite Custom" by Lawrence Alma-Tadema, painted in 1909, is a vivid depiction of Roman bathing culture, a theme the artist explored with exceptional detail and affection. The painting showcases a luxurious Roman bath, a place not just for cleanliness but also for social interaction and relaxation among the elite.The scene is set in an expansive, marble-clad bathhouse. Natural light filters softly through the windows, casting a serene glow that illuminates the delicate floral arrangements and the elaborate murals on the walls. The architecture—an intricate assembly of columns, steps, and statues—complements the opulence that Alma-Tadema’s works are renowned for.Foregrounding the composition, two young women gracefully wade through the clear, tepid waters of the bath. Their movements are leisurely and expressive, suggesting the enjoyment of the warm water and the comfort of their surroundings. Around them and in the background, other figures engage in various activities: some step delicately into the water, while others chat amiably or relax by the poolside, draped in loose robes or drying off with towels.Alma-Tadema’s attention to detail not only reconstructs the physical environment but also captures the social atmosphere of these baths. His use of soft, almost ethereal colors enhances the dreamlike quality of the scene, inviting the viewer to a world long past, yet rendered with a palpable immediacy.


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Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema was a Dutch painter of special British denizenship. Born in Dronrijp, the Netherlands, and trained at the Royal Academy of Antwerp, Belgium, he settled in England in 1870 and spent the rest of his life there. A classical-subject painter, he became famous for his depictions of the luxury and decadence of the Roman Empire, with languorous figures set in fabulous marbled interiors or against a backdrop of dazzling blue Mediterranean Sea and sky. Alma-Tadema was considered one of the most popular Victorian painters.