Tod als Jongleur (Revolution) (1935)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"Tod als Jongleur (Revolution)" by Christian Rohlfs, painted in 1935, captures an evocative and potent scene that symbolically intertwines themes of mortality and change. This expressionist artwork, utilizing a somber palette dominated by deep blues and yellows, vividly portrays the intense and chaotic emotions associated with revolution and death.In this painting, the central figure appears as if juggling, an allegory perhaps to the precarious and manipulative nature of political forces during tumultuous times. To the right, two figures cling to each other, their faces etched with expressions of fright and uncertainty. This interplay of figures against a dark, almost oppressive background, underscores the grim reality of upheaval and the human fear of the unknown.Rohlfs' abstract style and the haunting use of blurred lines and swirling forms enhance the sense of motion and emotion, making "Tod als Jongleur (Revolution)" a powerful reflection on the societal upheavals of his time.


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Christian Rohlfs (November 22, 1849 - January 8, 1938) was a German painter and printmaker, one of the important representatives of German expressionism.