Bairei gafu, Pl.21 (1905)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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We are delighted to showcase the serene artwork "Bairei gafu, Pl.21," crafted by the renowned Japanese artist Kōno Bairei in 1905. This painting is a splendid example of Bairei's delicate and precise style, which draws deeply from the rich traditions of Japanese nature painting.The artwork features a meticulously detailed bird perched gracefully on a rocky outcrop. The intricate details of the bird’s feathers and the soft, subtle color palette evoke a sense of calm and contemplation. Surrounding the bird are elegantly depicted plants and leaves, which gently sway as if caressed by a gentle breeze. The background reveals a lightly brushed depiction of water, enhancing the overall atmosphere of peaceful solitude.Bairei’s use of space and minimalist approach not only highlights the central figure of the bird but also captures the ephemeral beauty of the natural world. This painting is a wonderful representation of the harmony between wildlife and their natural habitats, portrayed through the unique lens of Japanese artistic expression.


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Kōno Bairei was a Japanese painter, book illustrator, and art teacher. He was born (as Yasuda Bairei) and lived in Kyoto. He was a member of the Ukiyo-e school and was a master of kacho-e painting (depictions of birds and flowers) in the Meiji period of Japan.