Bairei gafu, Pl.50 (1905)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"Bairei gafu, Pl.50" painted by the esteemed Japanese artist Kōno Bairei in 1905, is a captivating illustration that showcases the traditional artistry of Japan. This work is part of a series known as "Bairei gafu," which encompasses various subjects typically inspired by Japan’s rich flora and fauna.In this particular plate, Bairei captures the dynamic movement and subtle grace of three birds in flight. The artist skillfully employs ink on paper to render the intricate feather patterns and varied wing positions, which convey a sense of motion and interaction among the birds. The background of the painting is intentionally left sparse, drawing focus to the meticulously detailed figures of the birds.Alongside the image, the painting features elegant script, likely providing context or poetry that complements the visual scene. These characters enhance the overall aesthetic and cultural depth of the piece, embedding it within the broader narrative traditions of Japanese art.


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Kōno Bairei was a Japanese painter, book illustrator, and art teacher. He was born (as Yasuda Bairei) and lived in Kyoto. He was a member of the Ukiyo-e school and was a master of kacho-e painting (depictions of birds and flowers) in the Meiji period of Japan.

Giclée quality print

59x80 cm
