Larin Paraske with Kantele (1943)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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This evocative piece by Albert Edelfelt, titled "Larin Paraske with Kantele," captures the essence of a profound cultural narrative through the portrait of an elderly woman, Larin Paraske, who was a famed Finnish rune singer. The work is executed in a deeply expressive style that highlights both the physical and emotional details of its subject.Edelfelt's mastery in etching is evident in the textures and contrasts that convey the wisdom and age of Larin Paraske. Her deep-set eyes and the lines marking her face tell a story of a life steeped in tradition and folklore. She is depicted with a kantele, a traditional Finnish stringed instrument, which is not only a source of music but also a symbol of Finnish national identity and cultural heritage.The composition of the painting focuses on the intensity of her gaze, which seems to reflect a solemn dignity and a deep connection to her musical craft. The stark lighting and the dark, subdued palette further accentuate the serene yet somber mood, inviting viewers to reflect on the disappearing traditions and the enduring spirit of those who keep them alive.


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Albert Edelfelt (1854-1905) was a renowned Finnish painter. He showed an interest in painting and drawing from a young age and went on to study at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Antwerpt, Belgium. After his studies, he moved to Paris and became a prominent figure in the Parisian art scene. Edelfelt's paintings were mostly inspired by history, and he captured the emotions and atmosphere of the era he portrayed skillfully. He was also known for his exquisite portraiture, which he executed with precision and attention to detail. Edelfelt passed away on August 18, 1905, in Porvoo, Finland, but his legacy continues to live on. His work has been exhibited all around the world in major galleries and museums, and he is regarded as one of the most celebrated Finnish artists of all time.