Bairei gafu, Pl.53 (1905)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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53" by Kōno BaireiIn the enchanting artwork titled "Bairei gafu, Pl.53," crafted by the renowned Japanese artist Kōno Bairei in 1905, we are invited to pause and appreciate the serene beauty of nature through the medium of traditional Japanese illustration.This evocative piece, characterized by delicate linework and a subtle use of color, portrays a scene rich in natural elegance. At the forefront, we see two gracefully poised dragonflies, their elongated bodies and transparent wings depicted with exquisite detail, capturing their ethereal beauty and lightness. These dragonflies are portrayed in mid-flight, adding a dynamic element to the otherwise tranquil composition.Surrounding these central figures are lush branches heavy with leaves and blooming flowers, likely representing azaleas, with their distinctive funnel-shaped blooms softly blushed in pink. The artwork’s composition masterfully intertwines the flora and fauna, suggesting a harmonious coexistence in their natural habitat.Kōno Bairei, known for his contributions to the Meiji period art scene and his masterful depiction of birds and flowers, uses a restricted palette that emphasizes form and texture, allowing the viewer to focus on the intricate details and the overall calmness of the scene.This painting not only showcases Bairei’s skill in kacho-e (bird-and-flower paintings) but also encapsulates a moment of peace, inviting viewers to step away from the bustle of everyday life and into a contemplative state, reflecting the intrinsic beauty of the natural world.


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Kōno Bairei was a Japanese painter, book illustrator, and art teacher. He was born (as Yasuda Bairei) and lived in Kyoto. He was a member of the Ukiyo-e school and was a master of kacho-e painting (depictions of birds and flowers) in the Meiji period of Japan.