Koru-Kalevala, The Illustrated Kalevala, Lemminkäinen’s Mother drags his son from Tuonela river (1923)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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This evocative piece by Finnish artist Akseli Gallen-Kallela is entitled "Lemminkäinen's Mother Drags His Son From Tuonela River," which is part of the artist's illustrated version of "Kalevala," the national epic of Finland. Created in 1923, the artwork provides a striking visual portrayal of one of the epic’s most poignant episodes, in which the devoted mother retrieves her son's lifeless body from the dark waters of Tuonela, the realm of the dead.In this dynamic black and white print, Gallen-Kallela uses bold, expressive lines to capture the dramatic intensity of the scene. The composition is dominated by the arched form of Lemminkäinen's mother, depicted with a determined, powerful stance as she leans over to pull her son from the river. The swirling patterns of the water and sky create a turbulent, almost menacing atmosphere that enhances the sense of struggle and desperation.The use of stark black ink against the white paper emphasizes the graphic quality of the scene, drawing the viewer's eyes to the central figures and their dramatic interaction. This artwork is not only a depiction of a mythological tale but also a poignant exploration of a mother's grief and her unwavering love.


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