Gray Day on the Esopus (1882)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"Gray Day on the Esopus" is a captivating landscape painting by the renowned American artist Jasper Francis Cropsey, created in 1882. This artwork beautifully captures the tranquil essence of a cloudy day along the Esopus Creek in New York.In this painting, Cropsey masterfully conveys a serene, overcast atmosphere with a palette dominated by soft grays, muted browns, and subtle hints of autumnal reds and greens. The composition draws the viewer's eye towards a central clump of trees, strategically placed on a small island in the middle of the river. This focal point is surrounded by the reflective waters of the creek, which mirror the cloudy sky and the foliage around them.The distant hills and the varied textures of the riverbank add depth and intrigue to the scene, showcasing Cropsey’s keen eye for detail and his ability to render nature in all its glory. The artist's signature is modestly located at the lower right, marking his creation within this peaceful, natural setting.


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Jasper Francis Cropsey was an important American landscape artist of the Hudson River School.

Cropsey was born on his father Jacob Rezeau Cropsey's farm in Rossville on Staten Island, New York, the oldest of eight children. As a young boy, Cropsey had recurring periods of poor health.