Dessin original pour les ‘Maîtres de l’Affiche’ (1899)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Théophile Alexandre Steinlen, a renowned Swiss-born French artist, captures a compelling and tender scene of everyday life in this exquisite 1899 drawing "Dessin original pour les ‘Maîtres de l’Affiche’" (Original Drawing for 'Masters of the Poster'). Well-known for his ability to portray the pulsating life of late 19th-century Paris with warmth and realism, Steinlen showcases his mastery through the artful depiction of three women engrossed in an intimate conversation on a cobblestone street.The subjects, depicted with delicate yet expressive lines, appear deeply involved in a moment shared, leaning in towards each other as if to cement the confidentiality of their exchange. Their engagement is so complete that they seem oblivious to their surroundings, or the artist observing them. This focus emphasizes the personal connection and camaraderie among the women, a theme that resonates strongly in Steinlen’s work.The backdrop, while minimal, hints at a bustling Parisian lane, bounded by the facades of closely built houses. The use of soft shading and controlled yet spontaneous strokes enhances the evanescent quality of a fleeting moment caught in time. Steinlen's choice of a monochrome palette aids in directing all attention to the figures and their interaction, ensuring that the emotional resonance of the shared human experience is felt vividly.This drawing not only reflects Steinlen’s deep affection for Paris and its inhabitants but also serves as a poignant reminder of the simple, unguarded interactions that enrich the human experience.


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Théophile Alexandre Steinlen, was a Swiss-born French Art Nouveau painter and printmaker.

Born in Lausanne, Steinlen studied at the University of Lausanne before taking a job as a designer trainee at a textile mill in Mulhouse in eastern France. In his early twenties he was still developing his skills as a painter when he and his wife Emilie were encouraged by the painter François Bocion to move to the artistic community in the Montmartre Quarter of Paris. Once there, Steinlen was befriended by the painter Adolphe Willette who introduced him to the artistic crowd at Le Chat Noir that led to his commissions to do poster art for the cabaret owner/entertainer, Aristide Bruant and other commercial enterprises.