Examples of Chinese ornament, Pl.49 (1867)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"Examples of Chinese ornament, Pl.49" by Owen Jones is a splendid representation of intricate design and vibrant detailing inherent in classical Chinese decorative arts. Featured on our website, this painting from 1867 displays a fascination with elaborate patterns and a keen eye for color that transcends time.The artwork is segmented into multiple panels, each adorned with floral motifs and spiraling foliage that come to life against a backdrop of soft peach, rich gold, and muted brown tones. The topmost panel features swirling, interconnected vines in soft pink and orange hues, encased by a slender, ornate border. Just below, a strip with darker, earthy tones presents more abstract shapes that evoke a sense of depth and texture.The largest section hosts an exuberant explosion of flowers intertwined with curling leaves and delicate scrolls, all masterfully rendered to highlight their beauty and symmetry on a vibrant yellow field. The bottom edge of the painting showcases a contrasting, simpler geometric pattern that serves as a grounding element to the ornate upper visuals.Owen Jones, renowned for his studies in the field of decorative arts, captures the essence of Chinese ornamental design with a precision that both honors and celebrates this rich artistic tradition.


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Owen Jones was an English-born Welsh architect. A versatile architect and designer, he was also one of the most influential design theorists of the nineteenth century. He helped pioneer modern colour theory, and his theories on flat patterning and ornament still resonate with contemporary designers today.