Examples of Chinese ornament, Pl.29 (1867)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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The "Examples of Chinese ornament, Pl.29" crafted by Owen Jones in 1867 is a vivid exploration into the rich tapestry of Chinese decorative arts. This painting, a part of a larger series, captures the essence of traditional Chinese motifs with an extraordinary eye for detail and color.The artwork features series of vertical panels, each meticulously detailed and uniquely patterned. The dominant elements in these designs are floral motifs and traditional Chinese symbols, rendered in a harmonious palette of greens, blues, yellows, and reds, amidst a soothing cream background, enhancing their visual appeal. Central to each panel is a striking, circular Chinese character, encased in intricately designed borders, which adds a deep cultural resonance to the overall composition.Each column is bordered by delicate, vine-like scrolls and stylized flowers, which suggest a natural rhythm and flow, evoking the serenity and balance often found in Chinese art. The use of symmetrical designs not only complements the aesthetic values of the era but also reflects the philosophical aspects of balance and harmony in Chinese culture.This piece by Owen Jones is more than just a visual treat; it's a gateway to understanding the complex world of Chinese ornamental design, which has influenced various forms of art and design across the world.


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Owen Jones was an English-born Welsh architect. A versatile architect and designer, he was also one of the most influential design theorists of the nineteenth century. He helped pioneer modern colour theory, and his theories on flat patterning and ornament still resonate with contemporary designers today.