Driving Home the Cows (1881)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"Driving Home the Cows" (1881) by Edward Mitchell Bannister is a pastoral scene steeped in tranquility and the lushness of nature. This remarkable painting captures a timeless rural moment through the eyes of a distinguished African American artist of the 19th century.In the foreground, a trio of cows—rendered in rich, earthy tones of white, brown, and red—winds their way across a vibrant, green landscape. The animals appear serene and purposeful under the watchful eye of a figure standing in the shadows created by the dense foliage of overhanging trees.This figure, partially obscured in the background and framed by the natural archway of leaves, guides the cows towards their destination. The presence of this individual adds a human element to the composition, hinting at themes of caretaking and rural life.The use of light and shadow plays a central role in this painting, highlighting the contrasts between the sunlit open fields in the background and the shaded, intimate space through which the cows move. Bannister's skillful brushwork evokes a sense of movement and the passage of time within this peaceful setting.


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Edward Mitchell Bannister (November 2, 1828 – January 9, 1901) was an oil painter of the American Barbizon school. Born in Canada, he spent his adult life in New England in the United States. There, along with his wife Christiana Carteaux Bannister, he was a prominent member of African-American cultural and political communities, such as the Boston abolition movement. Bannister received national recognition after he won a first prize in painting at the 1876 Philadelphia Centennial Exhibition. He was also a founding member of the Providence Art Club and the Rhode Island School of Design.