Mannenkop met snor en baard in profiel naar rechts (1943-12-23)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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We are delighted to present a striking piece from the oeuvre of Samuel Jessurun de Mesquita, a distinguished artist known for his unique approach to graphic arts. This artwork, titled "Mannenkop met snor en baard in profiel naar rechts" (Man's Head with Mustache and Beard in Profile to the Right), dated December 23, 1943, showcases de Mesquita's mastery in creating compelling compositions with minimalistic yet expressive lines.The artwork features the profile of a man’s head, highlighted by a meticulously detailed mustache and beard, which are rendered with careful, rhythmic linework that emphasizes texture and depth. The subject’s hair is depicted with tight, curling strokes, adding a dynamic contrast to the smoother contours of his face and neck. Notably, the background and other elements, such as what might be a window and a fragment of a possibly outdoor scene, are drawn with a lighter touch, ensuring the viewer's focus remains on the profile.Samuel Jessurun de Mesquita's use of empty space and bold, curvilinear forms invites viewers into a moment of contemplation, offering a glimpse into the character and mood of the portrayed individual. This piece not only highlights the artist’s technical prowess but also reflects the poignant, introspective qualities typical of his work during a tumultuous period in history.This work, like many from de Mesquita, is more than just a portrait; it is a narrative encapsulated in ink, a frozen symphony of lines and shapes that tells a story extending beyond the paper.


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Samuel Jessurun de Mesquita was a Dutch graphic artist active in the years before the Second World War. His pupils included graphic artist M. C. Escher (1898–1972). A Sephardic Jew, in his old age he was sent to Auschwitz by the Nazis, where he was gassed along with his wife. After the war, de Mesquita was largely forgotten.