Reading (1873)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Immerse yourself in the gentle serenity of Berthe Morisot's painting "Reading," created in 1873. This exquisite work captures a scene of quiet contemplation through the portrait of a woman deeply engrossed in her book. Set against a backdrop of lush countryside, the sitter finds a perfect spot for reflection under the open sky, her dress flowing elegantly around her as she reads.Morisot's mastery in the use of quick, light brushstrokes brings a vibrancy to the setting, emphasizing the interplay of natural light and color. The woman, dressed in a graceful white gown with a refreshing mint green veil and a stylish hat, becomes a harmonious element within the pastoral landscape, suggesting a deep connection between humanity and nature. A distant view of fields and a passing cart add a sense of depth and context to the scene, inviting viewers to ponder the story that unfolds beyond the canvas.In "Reading," Morisot not only portrays a moment of personal solitude but also reflects the broader Impressionist interests in capturing daily life and the effects of light. This painting is a testament to the quiet power of leisure and the enduring beauty of nature.


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Landscapes and still life by French impressionist painter Berthe Morisot (1841–1895). She was celebrated for the feminine qualities of her paintings, intuitiveness, spontaneity and delicacy, and she often included her daughter Julie in her paintings. Berthe was married to the brother of Édouard Manet, and some say she was his muse, as she modeled in many of his paintings.