Elf Enten im Wasser (Ca. 1915-1932)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"Elf Enten im Wasser," a captivating painting by Alexander Koester, masterfully portrays a flock of eleven ducks gracefully gliding across the water, an image that encapsulates the serene and dynamic qualities of nature. Created during the period from approximately 1915 to 1932, this artwork exemplifies Koester’s profound skill in capturing the movements and reflections in water, and his keen eye for the subtleties of natural light.The ducks are depicted with impressive detail, their feathers shimmering with a range of whites and subtle blues, as they reflect the warmth of sunlight mixed with the shadowy hues of the water. The painting’s lively brushstrokes evoke the gentle ripples in the water, enhancing the overall sense of tranquility and fluid motion. This scene is not just a depiction of ducks in a pond; it is a rich visual experience that invites viewers to pause and immerse themselves in the peaceful interplay of light and life."Elf Enten im Wasser" resonates with those who appreciate both the natural world and the artistry it takes to render it so beautifully.


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Alexander Max Koester (10 February 1864, Bergneustadt - 21 December 1932, Munich) was a German landscape and animal painter. He specialized in scenes with ducks.