La Mare Aux Saules, Île-De-France (1889)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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We invite you to explore the serene beauty of Armand Guillaumin's "La Mare Aux Saules, Île-De-France," created in 1889. This captivating painting offers a glimpse into the tranquil rural life in the Île-de-France region, renowned for its lush landscapes and picturesque charm.In this exquisite piece, Guillaumin showcases his mastery of color and texture. The scene is dominated by a large, robust willow tree that gently leans over a reflective pond, its leaves creating delicate patterns on the water's surface. The tree's dense foliage, painted with vigorous, expressive brushstrokes, contrasts dramatically with the softness of the sky and the distant hills.The background reveals a quaint village scene, characterized by rustic homes with thatched roofs and a palette of warm earth tones. A fenced pasture hosts a pair of cows, reinforcing the pastoral theme. This serene setting is completed by the silhouettes of more trees on the horizon, their light green foliage adding depth and harmony to the composition.Guillaumin captures not just the visual beauty of the landscape, but also the essence of peaceful, rural life. The reflections in the water are rendered with a mix of blues and greens, giving the painting a vibrant, lively feel despite its tranquil subject. The artist’s use of light and shadow, combined with his distinctive brushwork, makes "La Mare Aux Saules" a stunning example of Impressionist art.This painting is a celebration of nature and simplicity, perfect for those who appreciate the beauty of Impressionist landscapes.


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Armand Guillaumin (February 16, 1841 – June 26, 1927) was a French impressionist painter and lithographer.