Autumn (1890)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Erik Werenskiold's painting "Autumn" (1890) captures a serene, pastoral scene, employing a soft, moody palette that perfectly encapsulates the essence of the fall season. This artwork features a rustic farm setting, where the golden and amber tones of the changing foliage blend harmoniously with the earthy colors of the farm buildings.In the foreground, a dirt road, muddied and wet, likely from recent rains, leads the viewer's eye to a cluster of farm structures. The largest building, with its deep, reddish-brown walls and a gently sloping roof, sits subtly in the landscape, as if it has stood there for generations, weathering many autumns. Adjacent to it are smaller outbuildings, their purposes hinted at but left for the viewer to imagine.The overcast sky and the soft, diffuse light suggest a cool, quiet day, typical of autumn, enhancing the sense of calm isolation. The subtle play of light and shadow, combined with the intricate brushwork, creates a vivid texture throughout the scene, making the wet surfaces of the road and the rough textures of the tree bark come alive.


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Erik Theodor Werenskiold (11 February 1855 – 23 November 1938) was a Norwegian painter and illustrator. He is especially known for his drawings for the Asbjørnsen and Moe collection of Norske Folkeeventyr, and his illustrations for the Norwegian edition of the Snorri Sturlason Heimskringla.