Wooded Landscape with a Stream (between 1665 and 1668)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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More about this artwork

"Wooded Landscape with a Stream" is an enchanting painting by Jacob van Ruisdael, created between 1665 and 1668. This remarkable artwork invites viewers into a serene, wooded environment where nature's tranquility is masterfully captured. At the heart of the composition, a gentle stream meanders through a rugged landscape, its waters lively and clear, clashing softly against rocks and pebbles. The stream reflects a subtle, soothing light, enhancing the natural glow of the scene.Ruisdael's canvas is dominated by robust, towering trees with lush, verdant foliage that seem to whisper the secrets of the forest. The sky above, a dynamic swirl of clouds, suggests the ever-changing nature of the sky but also balances the earthy tones with a softness that elevates the whole pastoral scene. Ruisdael’s deft handling of light and shadow not only highlights the natural beauty and variety of the trees but also creates a rhythmic contrast with the sky and the water, suggesting the harmonious yet wild spirit of the natural world.Adding to the realism and depth, a few birds can be seen high above, their presence only hinted at by small, delicate strokes of the brush, contributing to the overall sense of peace and freedom. This painting not only showcases Ruisdael’s exceptional ability to depict landscapes but also evokes a deep sense of reverence for the natural world.


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Jakobas van Reisdalis (1628 – 1682 m.) – vienas žymiausių XVII a. Nyderlandų baroko epochos tapytojų−peizažistų. Lietuvos dailės muziejaus rinkiniuose yra jo paveikslas „Krioklys“ (nuolatinėje ekspozicijoje Radvilų rūmuose).