Sieben Enten im schattigen Waldteich (1910)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"Sieben Enten im schattigen Waldteich" (1910) by Alexander KoesterEmbark on a serene visual journey with Alexander Koester's captivating 1910 painting, "Sieben Enten im schattigen Waldteich". This masterpiece beautifully portrays seven ducks nestled in the tranquil embrace of a shaded forest pond. Renowned for his detailed and dynamic depictions of ducks, Koester’s work here is a vivid celebration of nature and light.The painting invites its viewers to delve into a world of serene waters and lush greenery, where each brush stroke beautifully captures the interplay of sunlight and shadow. The ducks, detailed exquisitely, seem at ease in their natural habitat, with their pristine white plumage gleaming under the speckled sunlight that filters through the leaves above.Distinguished by its rich palette of greens and browns, and the reflective quality of the water, this tableau not only brings the calmness of nature to the forefront but also displays Koester’s remarkable ability to animate the stillness of a forest pond scene. Each duck, portrayed with individual care, contributes to a sense of peaceful coexistence in their secluded woodland retreat."Sieben Enten im schattigen Waldteich" is a testament to Koester’s mastery of capturing the essence and tranquility of pastoral scenes.


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Alexander Max Koester (10 February 1864, Bergneustadt - 21 December 1932, Munich) was a German landscape and animal painter. He specialized in scenes with ducks.