Le gros arbre (environs de Gournay) (1865-1870)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot's painting "Le gros arbre (environs de Gournay)" vividly captures the tranquility of nature in the French countryside near Gournay, created during the period of 1865-1870. Corot, renowned for his pivotal role in landscape painting, expresses his mastery over light and atmosphere in this serene composition.The painting is anchored by a robust, twisted tree that dominates the foreground, its branches sprawling energetically across the sky, partially cloaked in the soft hues of green and yellow leaves. To the left, a figure is seated leisurely under the shade of this magnificent tree, contributing a human element that invites viewers into the scene, suggesting a moment of rest or contemplation. Meanwhile, on the right, a couple of cows graze peacefully, adding a bucolic charm to the idyllic landscape.In the background, one can discern the gently rolling hills and a glimpse of a village, its presence subtly indicated by small houses amidst the expansive fields, blending seamlessly into the horizon under a vast, impressionistic sky. Here, Corot’s delicate brushstrokes capture the shifting light of the sky, displaying his characteristic softness and a palette that conveys both the vibrancy and the fleeting moments of a day in the countryside."Le gros arbre (environs de Gournay)" not only showcases Corot's gift for representing the natural world but also his ability to imbue it with emotional depth, reflecting a harmonious balance between man and nature, a timeless scene captured with gentle reverence.


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Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot was a French landscape and portrait painter as well as a printmaker in etching. He is a pivotal figure in landscape painting and his vast output simultaneously references the Neo-Classical tradition and anticipates the plein-air innovations of Impressionism.