Auf einem Tisch sitzender Bauer (after 1670)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Adriaen van Ostade, a master of the Dutch Golden Age, captures a compelling scene in his painting "Auf einem Tisch sitzender Bauer" (Seated Peasant at a Table), painted after 1670. This artwork vividly portrays the daily life of a peasant, showcasing Ostade's keen ability to depict rustic scenes with emotional depth and realism.The painting features a single figure, a farmer seated wearily on a wooden bench. His posture, slumped and somewhat exhausted, along with the meticulous detailing of his facial expression, suggests a moment of rest after hard labor. Clad in worn, multicolored clothes—a cap, a greenish-blue jacket, pink trousers, and sturdy shoes—the peasant also holds a jug, perhaps suggesting a short break for refreshment.Ostade's use of soft yet textured brushwork lends a tactile quality to the clothes and skin of the peasant, making the scene feel incredibly lifelike and immediate. The economy of background details focuses the viewer's attention entirely on the figure, highlighting the painter’s skill in character study.This painting not only reflects the artist's finesse in portraying the nuances of human expressions and attire but also offers a glimpse into the everyday life and struggles of the 17th-century Dutch peasantry.


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Adriaen van Ostade (baptized as Adriaen Jansz Hendricx 10 December 1610 – buried 2 May 1685) was a Dutch Golden Age painter of genre works, showing everyday life of ordinary men and women.