Ausgelassene Bauern im Wirtshaus (after 1670)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Welcome to a glimpse of jovial rustic life through Adriaen van Ostade’s masterpiece, "Ausgelassene Bauern im Wirtshaus" (Merry Peasants in a Tavern), painted after 1670. This delightful work captures the essence of 17th-century peasant life, illustrating a moment of unguarded revelry in a rural tavern.In the painting, van Ostade masterfully portrays a group of peasants in the midst of their merriment. To the left, you notice a robust figure laughing heartily, his hand raised as if capturing the attention of his companions, while another gulps from a jug of ale, his cheeks rosy with intoxication. At the other end of the table, a peasant appears deeply engaged in a meal, oblivious to the boisterous laughter around him.Central to the scene are two figures entangled in a drowsy embrace, succumbing to the heaviness of their inebriation. Their expressions are blissfully serene, evoking the warmth and camaraderie typical of communal gatherings in the period. Adding to the lively atmosphere, a cheerful woman seated nearby claps joyously, her face alight with amusement.The scene is infused with life, from the dynamic expressions and postures of the figures to the playful dog near the center, which adds a hint of everyday liveliness. Van Ostade’s skilled use of washed and muted colors enhances the intimate and rustic feel, transporting us directly into the heart of a 17th-century tavern.This painting not only serves as an artistic depiction of peasant life but also tells a story about community, leisure, and the simple joys of life in past times.


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Adriaen van Ostade (baptized as Adriaen Jansz Hendricx 10 December 1610 – buried 2 May 1685) was a Dutch Golden Age painter of genre works, showing everyday life of ordinary men and women.