Tivoli (1854)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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David Roberts' evocative drawing "Tivoli" from 1854 captures the tranquil and timeless beauty of the Italian countryside, steeped in both natural and architectural splendor. Rendered primarily in soft, earthy tones, this gentle study embodies a quiet morning in Tivoli, a historic hilltown in the Lazio region of Italy, known for its ancient Roman villas and picturesque landscapes.The focal point of the composition is the majestic circular temple, finely sketched to showcase its classical Doric columns which stand proudly atop a rocky crag. Adjacent to the temple, the remnants of another classical structure add a layer of mystery and history to the scene. The soft wash of the background suggests the early light of dawn, casting gentle illuminations over the structures and the surrounding landscape.Roberts’ masterful use of light and shadow, detailed texturing of foliage, and the subtle gradations of the skyline and rocky terrain invite viewers to a serene, almost ethereal world. The artwork not only depicts a scenic view but also encapsulates the essence of Tivoli as a place of historic resonance and bucolic charm.This piece, characteristic of Roberts' work, displays not only his skill as a draughtsman but also his profound appreciation for the interplay between architecture, history, and nature.


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David Roberts (24 October 1796 – 25 November 1864) was a Scottish painter. He is especially known for The Holy Land, Syria, Idumea, Arabia, Egypt, and Nubia, a prolific series of detailed lithograph prints of Egypt and the Near East that he produced from sketches he made during long tours of the region (1838–1840). These and his large oil paintings of similar subjects made him a prominent Orientalist painter. He was elected as a Royal Academician in 1841.