Le Jardin Fleuri (1914-15)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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One of the captivating pieces by Henri Lebasque, "Le Jardin Fleuri" (1914-15), beautifully encapsulates the serene and lively essence of garden life. This vibrant painting showcases Lebasque's Post-Impressionist style, marked by soft yet dynamic brush strokes and a rich, inviting color palette.The scene is set in a lush garden detailed with myriad colorful flowerbeds enveloping a graceful fountain at its heart. The circular pool reflects the vivid blues of the fountain’s spray and the florals' multitude of hues ranged around its rim, creating a mesmerizing focal point. Flanking the fountain, Lebasque paints a tranquil pathway that winds through the garden, inviting the viewer to wander through the verdant landscape.Adding a layer of charm and intimacy, Lebasque includes figures in the scene: a woman with a parasol and a child walking beside her, nearing the garden’s edge, and another child standing closer to the viewer, seemingly paused in movement. These figures add life and narrative depth to the garden, suggesting a moment of leisure and connection with nature.Lebasque’s painting "Le Jardin Fleuri" is not merely a depiction of a garden; it is an invitation into a moment of peace, a snapshot of interaction between humanity and the flourishing natural world around. The piece captures the essence of joyful simplicity and the natural beauty that inspired so much of Lebasque’s work.


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Henri Lebasque (25 September 1865 – 7 August 1937) was a French post-impressionist painter. He was born at Champigné (Maine-et-Loire). His work is represented in French museums, notably Angers, Geneva (Petit Palais), Lille (Musée des Beaux-Arts), Nantes, and Paris (Musée d’Orsay).