Jeune Fille Cousant Sur Un Canapé (circa 1925)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Henri Lebasque is renowned for his vibrant and intimate depictions of everyday life. "Jeune Fille Cousant Sur Un Canapé," painted circa 1925, exemplifies his mastery in capturing the tranquility and contemplative nature of domestic scenes. This painting invites viewers into a quiet, personal moment featuring a young woman deeply engrossed in her sewing.The composition focuses on the young woman seated comfortably on an ornately patterned red sofa. Her attention is fixed on the white cloth she sews, demonstrating a scene of serene concentration. The vivid red of the sofa, adorned with floral patterns, contrasts beautifully with the softer tones of the surrounding room and enhances the visual depth of the painting. The woman's vibrant orange blouse and blue scarf add a burst of color, reflecting Lebasque's skillful use of hues to convey mood and character.Notable is the way light subtly plays across the scene, illuminating the woman's face and hands, and highlighting the textures of her clothing and the sofa. To her side, a small basket suggests the ongoing nature of her task, evoking feelings of domestic routine and comfort."Jeune Fille Cousant Sur Un Canapé" is a charming exploration of color, light, and daily life. It showcases Lebasque's affection for scenes of peaceful solitude and his ability to imbue his artworks with warmth and empathy.


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Henri Lebasque (25 September 1865 – 7 August 1937) was a French post-impressionist painter. He was born at Champigné (Maine-et-Loire). His work is represented in French museums, notably Angers, Geneva (Petit Palais), Lille (Musée des Beaux-Arts), Nantes, and Paris (Musée d’Orsay).